THE SUPERFLARE by Andrew G. Berger

đź“šTHE SUPERFLAREđź“š đź“šAndrew G. Bergerđź“š ✨️The narrative of Andrew G. Berger's novel THE SUPERFLARE takes place in a post-apocalyptic world in 2051 after a massive solar storm wipes out all of the planet's electronics and power sources. The pristine cities' order has crumbled, and anarchy reigns everywhere. The main character of this book, Julia, is a 17-year-old girl from a spick-and-span metropolis who meets Winston, an 18-year-old from a village where the use of digital gadgets was severely forbidden. They gradually developed feelings for one another despite having to fight hard to survive in this post-apocalyptic world. What will happen next in the narrative, and what will become of them? To know more about what happened next, read the book now. ✨️The book's title is incredibly fascinating to read. The cover has a nice design. Together, Julia and Winston face challenges that push them to confront the tenets of their respective societies and to fight valiantly for t...